I was just mentioning to Mama Toh over the weekend that most of our social media posts revolved around Summer, and when I browsed my phone’s gallery the ratio of Summer’s photos to Zavier’s photos was easily 3:1.


Give me some love!

Which led me to feel a pang of guilt towards Zavier.

Not that we don’t love him as much, but well, Zavier is at the age where he is inquisitive about everything, plus learning to walk unsupported, and fortunately for him (and probably less so for us), is blessed with a supply of energy which never seems to run dry. Plus having an elder sister who craves attention slightly too frequently when being left on her own.


Rare times when both kids sit down together

Which means that when we are with Zavier, we are mostly:

– Looking out for him in case he falls or climbs up somewhere he is not allowed to. Like up the sofa and hanging onto the window grills. Which he totally did a few times to our utmost horror.

– Watching him in case he puts something he picks up from the floor into his mouth. Which is almost a regular occurrence. Tissue paper is becoming one of his favourite snacks.

– Putting back in place whatever he walked past and fancied… and threw on the floor before proceeding to his next new interest. This happens almost every 30 minutes when we are at home.

– Responding to Summer’s cries of ‘Papa come!’ whenever I try to spend some time alone with Zavier boy.

As you can see, all these scenarios do not really allow us the time to take a step back and snap good photos of Zavier.

Whenever it happens, photos usually turn out like that…


Does he take caffeine throughout the day?

But nonetheless, this doesn’t diminish the love with have for him! To commemorate our love for him, I will overload you with his photos.


Err.. I love pink unicorns!


And cooking!


Rare second sitting still


Sexy pose moment

Please learn how to sit back and relax Zavier! It’s one of the best things to do in life!