Back from quite a long hiatus, much due to Mama Toh’s nagging that I haven’t been blogging for some time now.
When I offered to give her the access to this blog so that she can blog instead, she went quiet. Oh well.

Mama Toh so chio
Anyway both of us took some leave last week and spent quite a bit of quality family time, which was mainly why I didn’t really sit down to blog. You see, human interaction time is always more important than posting how loving our family is, on social media and our blog.
Mama Toh and myself managed to squeeze in some time alone on some of the days when the kids were in school, but being the needy parents that we are, we usually pepper our conversations with:
‘I wonder how the kids are doing in school’
‘Let’s fetch the kids earlier today leh’
‘The kids so cute in the morning hor’
And that’s usually how our couple time ends prematurely. Despite Mama Toh being a vehement advocates of couple time, she is usually the one who mentions the kids continuously. Ironic woman.
A couple of highlights from the past week, the main one was of course the kids’ school concert, attended by a strong army of 11 pax from our end. Yes you read that right, 11 people supporting 2 kids (none of whom were graduating), when almost all other kids had a maximum of 2 (parents) attending.
Our kids should be proud.

Oh yes they were
Whilst we had no concerns about Summer, who made sure we witnessed her daily dance practice at home, we were very interested to see Zavier’s performance because being so new to the school, he hasn’t practiced much, and hasn’t shown much interest in practicing at home as well.
We still held our hopes high and looked forward to be surprised.
And boy were we surprised.

I’m guessing Zav was surprised as well
Not sensing his disdain for the limelight, his teacher, quite unwisely, decided to plonk him all the way in front.
When the lights went on, his lips started to quiver, and he cried for the entirety of the song. Nice.
Funny, yet heartbreaking at the same time.

No surprises from this vain pot though
Summer as usual did well, and seems to show a genuine knack for performing. Too bad she chose to give up on her ballet.
All in all, still mightily proud of these 2 fellas! Surely they didn’t disappoint the massive crowd of 11 pax!

Zavier boy heaving a sigh of relief at the end
Next up was a very fantastic Christmas weekend!
Our Christmas celebrations mainly revolve around our families – boring to some, but that’s just how we like it.
On reflection I am really lucky to have married someone as boring as Mama Toh (even though she won’t admit this), who wouldn’t divorce me for always wanting to stay at home.
On hindsight though, Mama Toh is ridiculously lucky to have me as well, someone who puts up with her yearly request to watch Love Actually on Christmas Eve after the kids sleep. All the way to 1.30 a.m. Mega yawn.

Too cool and too busy to look at the camera
The kids received loads of presents over Christmas, and I received a headache from brainstorming where to chuck them all. Thanks guys.
Another weekend of family gatherings to welcome 2017 coming up! Stay tuned!

These 2 can’t be happier