So we had a 3 day long Easter weekend which was rather… eventful for us.

To cut a long story short (and because I am still kinda lethargic and lazy), I shall condense our weekend in digestible short points.

The Good

1. Top of this list is probably the fact that my very own sister gave birth! To my very first niece and cousin to Summer and Zavier!

Say hello to baby Chloe!


Please remain this angelic for a long long time

2. Following Summer’s farcical failure from her rollerblading class, we bought her her very own pair of rollerblades and brought her to learn by herself via trial and error.


A happy girl who rolled her blades over my toes numerous times

3. We went for a good family meal at Punggol Reservoir where Summer went on 2 dates of her own… She is really growing up too fast.

The first was with a middle aged man which should have raised some alarms…


Just kidding, this is my Dad and Summer's grandpa

Subsequently we heaved a sigh of relief when she hung out with someone closer to her own age.

The Bad

Well there’s technically only one bad thing which happened, which unfortunately was bad enough to render the whole long weekend somewhat tiring.

Both of the kids fell sick.

Summer had a slight fever, cough and runny nose, but considering she still managed to look as chic as this while sporting a fever patch, you can tell it isn’t too much cause for concern.


Way to cool for a fever

Zavier on the other hand, was sick enough to warrant 2 visits to the paediatrician in 3 days. Flu, cough, fever which was diagnosed as bronchitis followed by puking, diarrhea and rashes which was diagnosed to be caused by the antibiotics for bronchitis. It’s been a tough week for this little boy.


Will guns take his mind off his pain?

Hopefully he recovers within the next day or so!

This illness episode has really kept me and Mama Toh having on-off sleep for the past few days, waking up intermittently to check on the kids.

It’s been tough… until I remembered my sister and brother-in-law are currently dealing with a new born for the first time in their lives.

Good luck with that guys!